“As of March 7th, I will be boarding a plane for the next adventure in my life with God–GERMANY!
Since I was a 7 yr. old missionary kid in Guatemala, I often played with Christy and Marissa (two daughters of a German family, also MK’s there). Their father wanted them to learn German as well as English and Spanish, so he began to gather his children and me and my brothers to each us all German. (German is my first “foreign” language, Dad says English and Spanish don’t count, they are both home languages!) I was the only one in my family who became completely captivated with German and stuck with it. He told my parents “Keep her in German, she has a good accent and learns languages easily.”
We’ve done just that. Through the years I continued language acquisition by keeping German flash cards in my purse, listening to German CD’s as I comb my hair in the morning, memorizing German language books, repeating everything a million times, and striking up conversations with random Germans that cross my path, picking their brains to tell them everything I know and have them teach me something new!
I’m also fascinated with WW2, Corrie ten Boom, the Holocaust, and anything having to do with that country or time period. Love it. The first time I went to Germany, I wondered how much my “method” of language learning was working. Well, let me tell you, I could understand the main gist of what people were saying and they understood me too! SO COOL!!!!
A few weeks ago, Dad and I went to check out a new Sushi place in town and we began chatting about my life and how good God has been to me over the years. He really does spoil me you know. Deuteronomy 28: 1-14 has definitely been true for me and my family all the days of our life and I’m so humbled to think about that. When I first got back to Monterrey this time I planned on working and saving money to go to Germany from March-May and really get fluent in the language. Well it hasn’t quite worked out that way so I decided it would be fine if I stayed here and just got involved with my family at church, at home, and planning my girls retreat for July.
I was actually getting excited about this new direction when I got an email from the Gideons’ director in Wetzlar, Germany (its a small, old Miedeval town) saying that he is delighted for me to come and definitely has work for me to do there and my room and board is covered! WOW God moves fast! I have no idea what I’ll be doing, I told them I’m willing to do anything, clean houses, care for children, anything just to be surrounded by German and learn the language.
I’m sitting in my living room listening to the song “Once Again” (Thank you for the Cross) in German and my heart is overwhelmed and bursting with joy I can’t contain. I’m singing along in English, but looking forward to the day when literally all of us from every nation, tribe, and tongue will sing before our Maker in ONE tongue and ONE heart of praise and adoration to Him.”
Written by
Cristina de Guerra
I’m a book lover. Leave me for a day at old or new bookstores and my day will be absolutely fabulous! Guaranteed. I’ll never forget what a fellow book lover (a high school friend of my mom’s) once told me, “A old book is like an orphan. You always want to make sure you find a good home for it”.
I know a lot of people see me toting my journal book everywhere I go. I look especially odd in Mexico when I try explaining to people what journaling is and how I have filled about 16 books with writing starting at the ripe old age of nine 🙂 I guess what I don’t say in conversation, comes out through my pen.
If you’ve ever thought you would like a glance through my pages, and although I wish I could say I was poetic in style and so imaginative and creative that Shakespeare was jealous, I’m afraid that’s not the case. I used to think for a long time before writing a single word, but I quit that early on or it would be hours before I filled a page. Here’s a bit from five sunny Springs ago…
Cristina de Guerra
Cristina esta casada con Gerardo y tiene dos preciosos niños. Sawyer de 4 y Madison de 2. Ha pasado su vida viajando. Ahora lo hace desde la isla del Encanto, Puerto Rico donde se dedica a una de sus pasiones, ayudar adolescentes a conocer a Jesus y ayudarlos a crecer en su fe con la organización internacional "Young Life". Cuando Cristina no esta vendiendo en eBay esta planeando su siguiente viaje desde Taco Bell. Puedes encontrarla en Instagram como: @crodriguez1984
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1 Comment
Yahweh Lover
July 30, 2013 at 5:09 PMGracias por escribir Gerardo y Cristy!!!! Keep shouting out HIS glory and grace!!! Me emociona tanto ver blogs así 😀 que Dios los bendiga y guíe para ser luz, sal y una voz que prepara el regreso de nuestro amado Señor Jesús. Les mando un abrazo grande.